OEM Nesting Library

General features
The OEM Nesting libraries are geometric software libraries used to solve 2D nesting problems, by optimizing the space management when positioning rectangular or True Shape pieces. These libraries can be integrated by external software by running the code as hidden.
This software is fully developed by Tpa and can run important nesting functions, such as:
shape clusters;
placement of pieces in empty areas within other pieces;
management of the sheet inventory (quantity, colours, dimensions, grain, priority, etc.);
irregular shaped areas can be nested;
areas can be excluded from nesting calculation;
angle of rotation of each piece can be chosen (0 to 360 degrees), they can also be mirrored;
DXF native import.
Tpa also offers the client who uses OEM Nesting libraries a demo software to test its performance and help the developer in the debugging process.

Square version
code SW2.4.01
The Square version of the OEM Nesting libraries can manage rectangular shapes with a minimum angle of rotation of 0-90. However, you can nest irregular shapes that will be placed considering their minimum bounding box.
True Shape version
code SW2.4.02
The True Shape version can nest any shape inside any shape and has all the features and functionalities of our libraries.