CODE SW3.09.01

General features
Eye On Machine is Tpa’s solution to let your company enter the world of Industry 4.0, taking an important step towards the production system digitization, a process that governments strongly encourage. It is a program that allows logging and statistically analyse the data of one or more machining centres, both in terms of productivity and for what concerns machine status and tool wear.
Depending on the data contained in the machining centre reports, this application allows calculating and viewing different types of statistics. The clarity of its interface makes of it an extremely quick and immediate tool to use.
The software can work locally on the machine PC, or remotely, by using the company network or cloud; it is designed to also be used on mobile devices.
Functional features
The application allows you to calculate and view the following statistics:
list of run programs and program lists;
machine statuses and axis positions;
how to use the machine in relation to the power-on hours;
wear condition of all the tools compared to the characteristics declared for each tool;
workload distribution on the machines, considering the runtime hours on a single machine;
calculation and analysis of the average hours for each program;
information about interruptions when running a specific program;
machine error log.
The software has three main functions:
the first one is to evaluate the actual use and the actual productivity of the machine as it is used, giving the data analyser the possibility to make those changes that will improve the efficiency of the machining centre, reducing the cost per product unit;
the second one is the machine error log;
the third one is to help the machine maintenance to detect any anomaly and analyse them with the machine manufacturer, and in doing so, to prevent any technical malfunction, keeping under control the parts of the machine subject to wear and tear, in order to supply spare parts in advance and to avoid costly downtime.
All the utilities of this software can be used anywhere, all it needs is a connection to the internet or the company network, which makes its use effective and immediate.

Industry 4.0
Eye On Machine, together with Tpa automation systems, meets the following requirements:
it connects offices to production with data that can be immediately used to configure the next batches. The production statistics makes it easy to understand in which conditions the machine works more efficiently using easy and intuitive graphic tools;
the tool-wear check and warning tool allows the predictive maintenance of tooling, avoiding costly downtimes;
the machine error log and the graphical representation of their occurrence in a given time unit allows having an objective feedback on the reliability decrease of the machine over time, with the opportunity for the manufacturer to analyse and correct the reasons of this unreliability.
This application, together with the fact that our control systems can be maintained remotely and the possibility to run programs generated in the office straight from a local network or the cloud, makes the machines perfectly adherent to Industry 4.0 requirements.